body building


body building


body building


body building

body building

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Bodybuilding, or weight-training, is a sport and form of recreation in which people develop their muscles by lifting weights. By repeating exercises with progressively heavier weights, bodybuilders increase the size of their muscles. Bodybuilding is a conditioning and fitness activity. It can increase strength, speed, muscle endurance, and flexibility.



Tips Mengatasi Jerawat
Pemicu Kanker dari Makanan
Apakah anda mengalami Obesitas?
Apa Itu Kolesterol?
Penuaan Dini
Susu Kedelai Melawan Osteoporosis
Pewarna Buatan Sangat Berbahaya
Tips Langsing Sehat
Gaya Hidup Sehat
Minuman Isotonik Bukan Minuman Penambah Tenaga
Jenis-jenis Penyakit Jantung
Hipertensi (Tekanan Darah Tinggi)
Serangan Jantung
Apakah gejala-gejala dari serangan jantung?
Memahami Stroke
Sepuluh Anggapan Salah Tentang Penyakit Jantung
Vitamin C dan E Cegah Penyakit Jantung
Langkah Preventif Menghindari Penyakit Jantung Koroner
Tidak Mudah Menyembuhkan Maag
Obat Kolesterol Dapat Cegah Kerusakan Saraf Akibat Diabetes
Kadar Makanan Pengaruhi Jenis Kelamin Bayi
Diet Rendah Lemak Turunkan Hormon Remaja Putri
Pria tua berpeluang menghasilkan anak cacat



Bodybuilding, or weight-training, is a sport and form of recreation in which people develop their muscles by lifting weights. By repeating exercises with progressively heavier weights, bodybuilders increase the size of their muscles. Bodybuilding is a conditioning and fitness activity. It can increase strength, speed, muscle endurance, and flexibility. When practiced correctly, bodybuilding can also strengthen the heart and improve circulation. Amateur and professional competitions are held for both men and women bodybuilders. The International Federation of Bodybuilders (IFBB) governs professional competitions. Competitors are judged in three rounds--the symmetry round, for shape, structure, and muscle proportion; the muscularity round, for size and definition of the muscles; and the posing presentation round, for poses in routines set to music. Bodybuilding differs from competitive weightlifting, in which athletes compete to determine who can lift the most weight.